Charlotte Howard  (1919 - 1998) 

Born in New York City on December 9, 1919 of Belgian and English parents, Charlotte Howard started showing artistic abilities from childhood. A recently discovered New Jersey artist, there is still very limited information known about the life and career of Charlotte Howard. What we do know is that she lived in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey. She enjoyed a long career spanning over _ fty years. In the 1930s, she worked in a representational modernist style, creating colorful _ gurative works. In the 1940s and 1950s, her work began to focus primarily on nature and animal subjects. Painting mostly dogs and cats, Howard also had a fascination with insects and reptiles as well.

Her love of nature and animals is even more apparent in her work as an etcher and printmaker. Howard created a striking body of etchings depicting butter_ ies, bats, frogs, mice, lizards, and insects, which are unusually delicate and charming. Her oils, watercolors, and etchings have been exhibited in shows, galleries, and museums in New York, Boston, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

The work of Charlotte Howard is in the collections of the Butler Art Institute in Youngstown, Ohio; the Smithsonian Institute; the Brooklyn Museum; the Association of American Artists; the Silvermine Guild Artists; the Allied Artists of America; the Park Avenue Gallery; the Philadelphia Print Club; the Wichita Art association; Bradley University; and the Portland Society of Art.