Xue Mo  (b. 1966) 

Xue Mo is a contemporary painter born in Inner Mongolia. She studied at Ximon Normal School Art Department, and got her Bachelor of Fine Arts, in painting, from Meitan Normal College. After graduating in 1991, Xue Mo lectured on fine art in Beijing for many years before beginning her career as a full-time, professional artist. Xue Mo is internationally acclaimed for her subjects that represent female beauty. Her portraits are described as “Chinese Renaissance”, or “Medici like portraiture”. Her artworks and early portraiture are deeply affected by culture, tradition, and the structure of nature, exploring the human figure in a relationship with history and land. Her artworks were featured in many gallery and museum exhibitions internationally, including Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. As of 2011, Xue Mo and her husband moved from Beijing to Vancouver Island.